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 Mental Health & DEI 

Mental Health includes our emotional and psychological well-being, which affects our ability to handle stress, relate to others, and make choices (CDC).



Number of Days In a Month that Individuals from the LGBTQ+ Community Felt Depressed/Anxious

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City of Belmont & Mental Health 


  • Place a trained mental health clinician into San Mateo's four largest police departments- Redwood City, San Mateo, South San Francisco, and Daly City. 

  • The Belmont Police Department is working amongst themselves to implement CARE through improving response calls to mental health crises

    • These officers will have extensive education and training in child development, social services, crisis negotiations, and field response. 


​According to The City of Belmont, "This program will collaborate with San Mateo County's mental health professionals and social services to ensure mental health crisis calls are handled most safely and effectively possible, while at the same time, attaining the proper mental health and social service follow-up victims and their families desperately need."

Carlmont & Mental Health

Students Offering Support 

​​Students Offering Support, (SOS) is an award-winning peer leadership program at Carlmont High School that provides Mental Health counseling, education, resources, and much more to high school students, parents, and teachers. SOS core leaders strive to erase the stigma around mental health and support their peers within the Carlmont community through student-to-student connections, which include the sharing of personal journeys of resilience after trauma and events that aim to teach social skills, problem-solving, and positive coping strategies. 

Wellness Center at SOS

Photos by Tanya Khosravi

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