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Community Updates


jACKSON sNEERINGER | May 27, 2023

Students organize DEI event to encourage community representation

Students from Carlmont High School hosted an open discussion event about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on May 24 at the Belmont Library to promote DEI’s importance and spark further conversations within Belmont and San Carlos...

Audrey Gong | February 8, 2024


Belmont community welcomes Year of the Dragon with roaring success

Belmont celebrates its Asian community by honoring and replicating traditional Lunar New Year customs more than 6,500 miles from China by blending modern crafts, performances, and foods...

kara kim | January 28, 2024

Martin Luther King Jr. Day march honors civil rights activist’s legacy

Beginning at Caltrain’s 4th and King Station, attendees of the annual San Francisco Martin Luther King Jr. Day march wave signs, play music, and sing as they make their way through closed-off streets to Yerba Buena Gardens...


Joshua Wu | fEBRUARY 16, 2024

Ethnic studies takes a stride with UCLA’s new funding

Two former student activists granted the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) $10 million to help fund the UCLA Institution of American Cultures as the ethnic studies course gains greater acceptance...

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