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Arianna Zhu

Founder & President, Class of 2025

"I love reading and journalistic writing, and I'm also interested in biology. I hope to grow my community's knowledge of DEI and make Belmont a place where everyone can feel at home!"

Vice Presidents of Digital Design


Sam Crowther

Class of 2025

"I like getting to work with new people to form stronger connections and promote DEI. My passion for  learning new languages and travel is one way I get to do this, and I look forward to continue working to foster a stronger sense of community in Belmont!"


Tara Krishnan

 Class of 2025

"I love working with others and teaching people about the importance of DEI. I hope to be able to bring people together through meaningful conversation about these very important topics"

Vice Presidents of Event Logistics


Isabella Zarzar

Class of 2025

"In addition to growing my knowledge in medicine and technology, I enjoy delving into DEI topics and teaching others about its significance. I hope to help bring the Belmont community closer together through DEI initiatives and make all feel welcome!"


Kara Kim

Class of 2025

"I like learning new languages and traveling to new places. It's nice to see DEI in different circumstances — from a classroom setting to a new city — and how fulfilling it is to immerse yourself in other cultures."


Katherine Zhang

Class of 2025

"Alongside my interest in healthcare and journalism, I am intrigued by how DEI-related topics are present in everyday life and systemic inequities. Through our work as Belmont Youth DEI, I hope to better our city and strengthen the bonds of our community!


Elaine Jiang

Class of 2025

"History and politics are two major interests of mine! This led to my passion for DEI and discussing systemic inequities. I hope to work towards making Belmont more inclusive and safe for everyone."



City of Belmont, California


We often work with the City of Belmont to support and promote our events. However, all organization and preparation is done by our team!

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